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Friday, April 8, 2011

Electricity From a Vacuum: How to turn the vacuum into a superconductor - physics-math - 08 April 2011 - New Scientist

Interestingly enough, I heard several people over a year ago speak of the viability of creating a self-sustaining source of electricity using a vacuum but they were severely ridiculed by 'men of science'. And then here is this article... still with naysayers as to being able to harness this "lightening in a bottle" but I would keep my ear out for future articles using this now proven technique. Oil companies will hate it and perhaps that is why we won't see it seriously pursued for several years.

This idea really is not new as Tesla worked on an electricity source that would not require fossil fuels. The thing is it would have meant essentially free electricity for everyone once they bought the device. Unfortunately his benefactor, J.P. Morgan, was not interested in something with low profit margins so he pulled his backing and went with Edison who was arguably not as bright nor noble. Today we are slaves to a finite energy source, whose use is not beneficial for our biosphere. Question is will we ever be willing to pursue something for the good of all if it does not make someone ridiculously wealthy?

How to turn the vacuum into a superconductor - physics-math - 08 April 2011 - New Scientist