Knowledge Creates Our World View

Sunday, March 20, 2011

IMF Survey: Rising Food Prices May Be Here to Stay

High food prices are here to stay... the weather, natural disasters, man-made disasters like market speculators and soil errosion, changes in the sun, water shortages... you name it and it is making feeding seven billion people harder and harder each year. 

I recently listened to an interview with Jim Rogers, a commodities trader and investment guru, where he was accused of being one of the heartless speculators causing food prices all over the globe to increase. The commodities guru was willing to accept that speculation is a large contributor to the ever rising cost of food, but noted that this was only part of the story. 

Speculators do not speculate on whims but rather on statistical analysis and trending.  The IMF's article noted in the link below, goes into detail on what Jim Rogers went on to say which was that in all his years of looking at the stats there are real concerns regarding the level of world surpluses which are being hammered by the extreme changes in weather as well as a host of other stressors, not the least of which is that we have more mouths to feed than ever before in history.   

IMF Survey: Rising Food Prices May Be Here to Stay